ciens cience siens syence syense syence scyence scyens sciens scienc scians – These are homophones for
science in the Oxford English dictionary, according to Peter Medawar in his book,
“The Limits of
Science”, Oxford University Press, 1985.
he opines, is not more knowledge; but organized knowledge, hard won. It is not
merely inductive – in fact, it is rarely inductive – often deductive, sometimes
accidental, requires exploration and imagination. There is no such thing as “scientific inference.”
emphasizes two major aspects of science as we know and live it today –
unintelligibility and solubility.
Unintelligibility The ideas of science are very
easy to grasp, but its methods can be difficult to grasp. For example, “the
mass of the earth” is easy to understand, but the science of how to calculate
it may be very hard.
may explain why, according to CP Snow, around the the 1930s there evolved Two Cultures – that intellectual life in Western society was splitting into two
polar groups; literary intellectuals and scientists. Snow quotes the mathematician
GH Hardy: “Have you noticed how the word intellectual is used nowadays?”;
because, it no longer seemed to include scientists. I suspect this is because
science has become more and more unintelligible to literary types or even
literate people – artists, writers, lawyers, journalists, economists.
Solubility Bismarck opined, “Politics is
the art of the possible.” Medawar proposes : “Scientific Research is the art of
the soluble.” He explains with an example of organ transplantation – how it was
viewed as a problem, the understanding of antigens and antibodies, organ
rejection as a problem, and research to overcome it. Perhaps Edison’s light bulb
may be a better understood example.
I came
upon this book at Connemara Library, in Egmore, on Feb 5, 2010. This blog is
the summary of the salient points that struck me at that time. My father Rangarathnam,
used to say of some things, “It defies definition, but admits description.”
Medawar’s book does something of that sort. In a way, it is a refutation of
narrow descriptions of science, attempting to define it. Medawar goes on to discuss
the interaction of Science with Politics, Culture, and as a ticket to social
and economic progress for individuals. I will blog about this later.
“It defies definition, but admits description.” 👍