Pigs have wings. PG Wodehouse proved that. Pens, while
mightier than the sword, are not quite as exalted as pigs. So they merely have
legs. I speak from experience not from observation. It takes insight to see
things that are not there. Writers have it – insight; aspiring writers have
tons of insight. Less gifted people call insight by another name : delusion.
Psychiatrists offer to cure it – delusion, I mean. No psychiatrist offers to
cure insight. (Which is sad, because the world would be a much better place if
some people – businessmen, presidents, presidential advisors, television
anchors and opinion columnists – were cured of insight and forced to see the
world with their regular eyes.)
Now think about this. A shrink says he can cure something he
cant see – which is what he considers a problem in your case. And people will
pay shrinks, and insurance companies will reimburse and businesses and
governments will pay for your health insurance. Which is why economics is such
a fascinating subject. Economics offers solutions to problems that don’t exist
with money that hasn’t yet been printed. But neither psychiatrists not
economists have insight – which is why their pens don’t walk away. And they
don’t see the legs.
Now pens don’t walk away because they dislike you. Pens are
like cats and electrons– their behaviour is unpredictable. This is what quantum
theory is mostly about : electrons and cats. Actually, one specific cat,
belonging to a guy called Schroedinger. Quantum theory says that the universe
is made of matter and energy, and that matter is made of electrons and other
particles, which sometimes exist and sometimes are just energy. So the universe
is made of things that may or may not be there. It took insight to come up with
this theory and delusion to accept it. Fortunately the scientific community is
endowed with both, just like the universe is endowed with matter and energy.
Albert Einstein said it neatly: Reality is just an illusion, but a persistent
one. Hindu sages said the same thing in the Rg Veda, but Einstein wrote it
down, where the Hindus merely yapped at each other in Sanskrit shlokas. Or
maybe they were going to write it down, but their pens walked away.
Pens are ancient tools. Cavemen writers used things like
burnt firewood, a multipurpose tool. Firewood can be used to cook, for warmth,
to defend against predators and enemies etc. Writing and drawing come low down
the order. Those pens walked away because people wanted them for their other
uses. Frustrated writers then came up with styluses, but those were no doubt
hijacked by illiterates who used them to crack nuts. Then came quills – you
literally chased after birds which were selfishly refusing to give you their
pens. It’s not like the birds were writing. Peacocks infact were so selfish,
they’d drink up your inkpot and turn blue.
Hence the ink-filled pen. A tube first of wood, then of
metal, later of plastic, full of ink, which would refuse to flow when your
thoughts were flowing; but would barf and blot your paper if you were lucky enough
to get something written. They jump into strangers pockets. They nest snugly on
carpenters ears. They sneak off your desks onto that teeny crack in the floor,
behind that pile of junk in the cupboard, onto other people’s desks where they
rest luxuriantly, unused for writing. Their friends are : people who assume
every pen belongs to them; children smelling a challenge that here is something
almost indestructible; boors who prefer pens to chewing gum; conscientious
noble souls who return your pen (which they had accidentally taken) as soon as
it stops writing; people in queues at post offices who never bring their pens;
autograph hunters; autograph givers, poor souls who cant always afford their
own pens; and corporate gift buyers who buy maginificently designed and
jewelled pens, which of course are too precious to be written with.
The first rival for the pen that I can think of is the
typewriter. It is heavier, noisier and costlier than the pen, but it has the
advantage of not having legs. We look askance at the man who tries to
nonchalantly stuff your typewriter in his pocket and walk away with it.
“Soapy,” we tell him, “this is not cricket.” For the pen pinching Soapies of
this world, the typewriter is an unplayable googly.
The other advantage of the typewriter, from the perspective
of writer, is that when the divine fire won’t kindle, one can take out one’s
frustration on the keyboard. The true triumph of the clicketybox, though, lies
in the presentation. Even Shakespeare looks mediocre in blot-plagued chicken
sprawl. Whereas people can type absolute bilge and as long as they use the
right fonts and typespacing, the gullible masses are seduced into reading.
Witness the explosion of advertising, tabloids, self-help books and political
manifestos. The Vedas were merely spoken; once they were written down, hardly
anyone knows them. Aesop’s parables were narrated, Moses’ commandments were
carved on clunky stone, the Magna Carta was a sheepskin long, even Jefferson’s
Declaration is readably short. Das Kapital, on the other hand is a useful
doorstop, Mao’s writings help fill up the gaps in the Great Wall, you can cause
skull damage with the Constitution of any modern nation, or the writings of the
IPCC, and print editions of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal continue
deforestation more effectively than napalm. One can’t blame the typewriter for
all this – the computer and laser printer take more credit. While computers don’t
have wings, smartphones and tablets tend to merely wander : their great value nowadays
is to make you look busier than you are and feel more important than you are,
Sergey Brin says.
Pens nowadays are only seen to sign the occasional check and
courier sheet. They don’t wander away from desks and pockets, much anymore –
they will slowly walk out of the paraphernalia of your life.
I need some insight to understand this insight. ;)
ReplyDeleteCute article. Keeping me from the more technical ones at the moment.